
Showing posts from October, 2012

What could it be?

    What would you do if your 1 year old came up to you holding this random piece of metal? Well, I'll tell you what I did. It was a Friday night. A Friday night before a weekend where we had nothing planned. A Friday night that was supposed to be a great start to a weekend full of catching up. And, just before Shannon's bedtime, she was walking around the kitchen while I finished the kid's dishes. She reached her little hand up to mine, and dropped this horrible, round, rusty piece of metal into my hand. Immediately I thought it was a battery, so I started looking for the other half. Then, I thought maybe it's a magnet, but again, where's the other half? I googled swallowing a battery. I googled swallowing a magnet. I called my husband in a panic and explained the situation hoping for a voice of reason. Shannon seemed fine. In fact, she seemed normal. But, I knew in my heart I had to continue to search for this missing part, and seek medical atten...

Pizza Hut

When I think back to my own childhood, I remember countless meals eaten at the Montgomerville Pizza Hut. If I close my eyes I can picture the red and white check tablecovers, the cafe style flimsy chairs, the buffet in the middle of the restaurant, and most of all, my family of 7 gathered around a rectangular table. I remember begging for quarters to play the arcades, and when we got older, to put in the jukebox. I remember the waitresses and how they practically knew my dad by name. I remember the pitchers of soda that inevitably got spilled all over the table and floor. But, most of all, my favorite memory of Pizza Hut was the great times we had while we were there. Remember this? Tonight I had the wonderful experience of taking my own children to Pizza Hut for the first time. Although the Montgomeryville Pizza Hut is closed, the one we went to had the same feel to it. We met my dad there. I arrived first, and knew just what to order - Thin and Crispy with Green Peppers....


In the past couple weeks I have heard 2 stories of how people's news has been "leaked" via facebook or text messaging. This is unacceptable. I have embraced technology, and use it often, but I certainly don't abuse the social media. So, I write this post to remind all of us about the importance and sensitivity of news. We all have news to share - sometimes good, sometimes bad. In the case of these two stories, both were about the death of someone. In my opinion, this should not hit the social media until all important family members and friends are notified of the sad news. Then, once everyone is on the same page, the immediate family should be the ones to decide how they want to make their news public. So, my lesson learned? Don't be the one to post someone else's news. And, don't use social networking to pass along important news. Try the old fashioned making a phone call.