What could it be?
What would you do if your 1 year old came up to you holding this random piece of metal? Well, I'll tell you what I did. It was a Friday night. A Friday night before a weekend where we had nothing planned. A Friday night that was supposed to be a great start to a weekend full of catching up. And, just before Shannon's bedtime, she was walking around the kitchen while I finished the kid's dishes. She reached her little hand up to mine, and dropped this horrible, round, rusty piece of metal into my hand. Immediately I thought it was a battery, so I started looking for the other half. Then, I thought maybe it's a magnet, but again, where's the other half? I googled swallowing a battery. I googled swallowing a magnet. I called my husband in a panic and explained the situation hoping for a voice of reason. Shannon seemed fine. In fact, she seemed normal. But, I knew in my heart I had to continue to search for this missing part, and seek medical atten...