Happy Mother's Day
As I wake up this morning I am filled with gratitude and joy. Even though today is the day Hallmark deems "mother's day" I believe Mother's Day is celebrated all year long. My children have their own little ways of showing appreciation, and these little acts fill my heart and keep me striving to be the best mom I can be all year long. Yesterday was a perfect day..I began the day with a play date with my college friends. Even though our friendship started before motherhood I am happy to be raising my kids with these awesome women. It is interesting to watch the next generations' friendships blossom, and share parenting troubles and triumphs together. Then, we celebrated my niece's First Holy Communion with my family. Again, I had the opportunity to spend time with my own mother, nieces, brothers, and their fantastic wives. When I looked around the room yesterday I felt rich. I am surrounded by women who are all role models to me. My day continued with a very s...