Progress Monitoring
The end of the marking period is always hectic for teachers, and most especially for special education teachers. It's progress monitoring time! I stayed at school late yesterday to complete my progress monitoring on my students. Every marking period I think to myself...I really should create online tests for as many goals as I can, but never seem to get around to it. I constantly listen to my students read, but I feel some other goals could be measured through some customized quizzes. I wonder if anyone does this? I am going to look into it for the third quarter and see if it allows me more instructional time with my students.
I haven't heard of online tests, but it's definitely worth checking out. What is done with the data from progress monitoring. At our school, the psychologist gathers all the data and we review it at our regular RTI meetings. This is when we decide who will be in the various tiers. It's an amazing process.