Sandy Hook
Elementary Schools are magical places. I have the wonderful opportunity to work in a very special elementary school with spectacular students. As a specialist, I pull out groups of students, and I push in to the classrooms to support student reading growth. On any given day, I am in/out of 5 or more classrooms. School is a happy place because of the students and people who fill the classrooms and hallways. Even if I am having a bad morning, the minute I begin teaching, I forget about my own life and focus on having fun with my students. I believe all teachers feel this way, which is why we choose to be in such a great profession. I thought by this point I would have processed the horrible events that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School. But, the truth is, every time I begin to think about it, I am filled with deep sadness and heartache for the members of that school community. I don't think I will ever fully comprehend what happened that day. Schools are safe places. Whene...