Sandy Hook

Elementary Schools are magical places. I have the wonderful opportunity to work in a very special elementary school with spectacular students. As a specialist, I pull out groups of students, and I push in to the classrooms to support student reading growth. On any given day, I am in/out of 5 or more classrooms. School is a happy place because of the students and people who fill the classrooms and hallways. Even if I am having a bad morning, the minute I begin teaching, I forget about my own life and focus on having fun with my students. I believe all teachers feel this way, which is why we choose to be in such a great profession.

I thought by this point I would have processed the horrible events that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School. But, the truth is, every time I begin to think about it, I am filled with deep sadness and heartache for the members of that school community. I don't think I will ever fully comprehend what happened that day.

Schools are safe places. Whenever I begin to work with new groups of children, I always start by building a community where students feel safe. If you can't feel safe, then you can not learn. It is clear the faculty of Sandy Hook made their children feel safe, just read this editorial about the acts of courage that took place to save children.
Good Rose Up Against Evil At Sandy Hook  

I continue to pray for all the victims of this tragedy and hope their families and friends can find peace. I pray we can continue to keep our schools safe places.


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