Shaking up the Typical Bedtime Story
Read with a flashlight!
Children are fascinated by flashlights. And, if you have a smart phone you can download the flashlight app. It is so much fun to read by flashlight. So, tonight (or tomorrow night hopefully!) give it a try. Snuggle in bed, pull the covers up and shine your flashlight on a favorite book. If your child is a little older, play "I spy" and shine the flashlight on parts of the picture.
Children are fascinated by flashlights. And, if you have a smart phone you can download the flashlight app. It is so much fun to read by flashlight. So, tonight (or tomorrow night hopefully!) give it a try. Snuggle in bed, pull the covers up and shine your flashlight on a favorite book. If your child is a little older, play "I spy" and shine the flashlight on parts of the picture.
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